The characters from the TV anime "Naruto NEXT GENERATIONS" and "Naruto Shippuden" have finally debuted as "Naruto X BORUTO"!
Combining the most popular characters from these two popular anime, characters from Naruto Shippuden, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Flagi, and Sakura Haruno, as well as popular characters such as Boruto from BORUTO NEXT GENERATIONS, have joined together! Unleash combos and various jutsu through simple actions! Not only are there powerful attack jutsu like Naruto's Rosen Eye and enhanced jutsu like Sasuke's Writing Eye, but the unique moves of Naruto and BORUTO characters are recreated in beautiful graphics! Create resources for your village, place various traps and lift up ninjas to protect the village from other players, and create your own complete fortress with up to 4 players to team up and defend against enemy attacks! Also beware of enemies taking advantage of your weaknesses and defeat them with your most powerful ninja warriors and ninjutsu. Come experience an epic blend of fortress strategy and ninja action!
The game can relive the original plot of the story in addition to the main level, but also by the 3D action game combat gameplay, control the character on the battlefield to break through the enemy lines, kill all the enemies and configure their own positions to prevent other players from attacking the village two parts, in the game mechanics, the player can collect the role without turning eggs, as for the skills are obtained through the levels, activities and turning eggs. A ninja cannot fight alone as well as complete the mission by himself alone. You will have a team of four human beings, one of which you can control and the other three are your teammates. The game opens with only five characters for now, starting with Naruto and Sasuke's team, slightly enhanced with that trusty "auto-battle" to complete the level.
Getting a new character in Ninja is actually very easy. There are many group copies and the like that can be redeemed for Ninjutsu cards, and you need to collect the right number of Hero Fragments, which are easy to find. This is one of the ways to get the main character at the moment, completing levels will give you the character fragments, the hard part is matching your ninja with the right ninja card to unlock its true potential.
Ninja cards help your character in two ways. They give bonuses that increase as the cards themselves are upgraded. Some of them also come with Ninjutsu or Ultimate Jujutsu, which means your ninja will only attack if you have some Ninja Cards equipped.
Special missions are similar to the "Advent" levels in mobile games, and after a while, the levels serve a purpose in addition to the yaoi material (for evolving skill cards) that changes daily, such as the various "Hero Dance" levels held in Japan at the start of the service, which are a great place to get characters like Iairo and Haruno Sakura.